Partners in Ministry…..We Need You! The Children’s Ministry is working to complete our staff of volunteers in Bible Village. We are looking for three Bible Village Shepherds. The shepherds greet the children upon arrival, visit with the children, help them get connected and involved, and accompany the age-levels to their workshop each Sunday and provide hands-on assistance for the workshop leaders. The lessons are taught by the workshop leaders, which change each month. The role of the shepherds is to provide continuity and build relationships. Children’s faith is nurtured through these relationships and faith-sharing. Our faith community is rich with folks of all generations who have much to offer our children. There are at least two shepherds (hopefully three) for each age-level in order to provide flexibility for travel, etc. If you would like to serve as part of our Bible Village team and get to know some wonderful children please contact Jeannie Ford (, 227-0000). You may also contact Jeannie if you would like to serve as a workshop leader during the coming year!