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2nd Pres


Families with Young Children Opportunities

Moms Book Club
Are you a mom who is covered in lunchboxes, carpools, and crazy schedules? You aren’t alone. Consider joining our Moms Book Club as we read Raising White Kids by Jennifer Harvey. It is time to begin a new book so now is the perfect time to join! We will read slowly through a book together to strengthen our faith while helping us parent. For more information, contact Dania Edwards.

Family Fellowship
You can expect small gathering meetups, Bingo, virtual family games, and seemingly a new surprise every month. For more information, contact Dania Edwards.

Dads Gatherings
Bi-weekly, 8:00 p.m.
Attention dads! Since we can’t gather in person to test our wit and skill at trivia, we would still like to offer the guys a chance to get together and solve the world’s problems. So, order a pizza and hop on Zoom for an hour to catch up with your buds. For more information, contact Dania Edwards.

Moms ‘Whine’ Night Gatherings
Bi-weekly, 8:00 p.m.
Things are tough. We get it. Let’s get through it together. Hop on and vent your frustrations, share your struggles, or just catch up with your friends and enjoy some non-work, non-kid interaction. For more information, contact Dania Edwards.

Moms Prayer Group
Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Mothers with young children check in over zoom, share joys and concerns, and pray together. We may be distant but we are still holding one another in prayer. For more information, contact Dania Edwards.

‘Family helps Family’ Offerings
This group of offerings consist of the parenting workshops, videos of us reading various books, giving video challenges to families, podcast recommendations or other means of ongoing support that we give parents and families as they seek to grow in faith together and as we grow together as a community of faith. For more information, contact Jen Evans.