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2nd Pres


2012 All-Church Picnic – Sunday, October 14 at Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center Following the 11:00 a.m. Service

Wear your picnic clothes to church!

Join our church family for food, fun and fellowship at beautiful Ferncliff camp for our annual church picnic.  The cooks at the camp will have fried and grilled chicken ready for us.  Church members and friends bring sides: salads, veggies, fruit, deviled eggs, and of course, desserts.

We will drive out to Ferncliff after the 11:00 am service, and YES! Please wear your picnic clothes to church!  Bring your folding chairs or blankets, bikes and helmets, hiking shoes and pot-luck food with you.  If your last name begins with A-G, please bring a dessert.  If your last name begins with an H-Z, please bring a veggie, salad, or fruit dish.

After we eat, you may:

•Canoe or paddle boat
•Take a hike
•Ride your bike
•Go fishing in the lake
•Rock on the porch
•Play volleyball
•Blow bubbles
•Create a picture with side walk chalk
•Make new friends; get reacquainted with folks

Here is the schedule of events:

  • 12:30 lunch
  • 1:00-5:00 activities including fishing, rocking on the porch, hiking, visiting with  friends – old and new
  • 2:00-3:00 Youth will have a carnival for elementary and preschool children

There is no cost for the picnic or any of the activities, but we do ask that you bring some food to share and let us know that you are coming so we will have enough chicken for everyone!  You may register on line by filling out the form below or by calling 227-0000.

Maps to Ferncliff, which is about 16 miles southwest of the church, are available at the church, or on line at

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