

6th Grade – 12th Grade

Here at our church we welcome all students in 6th-12th grade into our Youth Ministry!

We encourage faith development, strong friendships, and inspiring mentorship. During the school year we meet twice a week for regular scheduled programming.

On Sundays we have Sunday School and Youth Group. Our Youth Group hours are unique and tailored to your age group.

Middle School meets first then the High Schoolers join for dinner and have their Youth Group time after dinner once the Middle Schoolers go home. On Wednesdays we office two small groups for students. A Middle School girls small group led by Marie Holder and Jill Wright meets in the library.

Then our High School small led by Elizabeth Cahoon meets at the Cove for ice cream. We call ourselves SPY, which stands for Second Presbyterian Youth.

We are a group of students and adults who have formed a family, dedicated to the needs and strengths of our people! We are grateful to God for the wonderous things happening in our ministry!

Meet Our Associate Pastor for Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Elizabeth Cahoon joined us in January 2023 and has helped mold and define who the SPY community is at Second Pres.

She loves games (the messier the better), Bible studies, laughter, art, and of course spending time with teenagers.

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You can find her at any Mexican restaurant enjoying queso and tacos, while usually accompanied by some of our Youth or Young Adults. Elizabeth gives of her whole heart to this ministry and hopes that in her devotion she is leading by example as a model of Christ’s love.

To contact her please email her at:

School Year Schedule:

Sundays (in the Youth Building)

9:45-10:45 a.m. Sunday School
4:30-6:30 p.m. Middle School Youth Group
6:00-6:30 p.m. Dinner
6:00-8:00 p.m. High School Youth Group


5:30-6:30 p.m. Middle School Girls Small Group (Library)
7:00-8:00 p.m. High School Small Group (The Cove – 12319 Chenal Pkwy, Little Rock, AR 72211)

Sunday School & Youth Group this Month

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Check back for more information soon!

Stay In Touch

If you would like to receive our weekly text reminders or email newsletters please contact Elizabeth Cahoon or Carrie Johnson for more information.

Miriam Project

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”
Psalm 122:1

We believe that we are called by God to be the body of Christ in our community and that it is our responsibility to create safe and supportive environments for all children, youth, and at-risk adults participating in the activities and programs of Second Presbyterian Church.

Our policies and guidelines for the protection of children, youth, and at-risk adults have been named “The Miriam Project” – in the spirit of Miriam, the sister of Moses, who is remembered for her protection of the baby Moses and her guidance as he grew to become one of God’s great leaders. As a church, through the promises we make at each baptism, we have accepted responsibility to provide sage and nurturing environments for children of all ages. 

All staff members and volunteers (18 years and older) who wish to minister with our children, youth, and at-risk adults must complete the following requirements on a regular basis:

  • Be a member of Second Presbyterian Church
  • Complete an Information Form and sign a Covenant
  • Agree to a confidential criminal background check
  • Agree to adhere to the conduct required in the Miriam Project

In the policies outlined in the Miriam Project we have taken positive steps to provide as safe an environment as possible for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of our children, youth, and at-risk adults.

Reserve Youth Building

Where there’s always room for you!

Our youth building is used by a variety of groups from those participating in Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, to visiting youth groups, to those hosting special meetings or parties. 

This building is equipped with a large “great room,” a full kitchen, laundry room, 5 showers, 3 bathrooms, numerous classrooms, and a game room.

As a part of this process, you will be asked to read and sign our Building Use Policy and complete the Application for Use of Church Facilities, adopted in 2016. You will also need to provide a Certificate of Insurance. Certain fees may apply. We will contact you to review and confirm your request. Usage of the youth building is not guaranteed until we have confirmed your request.

Our building requests are honored on a first-come, first-served basis and our summers fill up quickly so please reserve early!

Please call Guy Howze at (501) 227-0000 or click the link below to request the use of our Youth Building.