
Sunday School
We have two types of Sunday classes.
Short-term Courses: These are courses, which last four to eight weeks. They are designed to meet the needs of adults who are not part of a permanent class and to address topics on a short-term basis.
All adults are invited to move in and out of the short-term courses and ongoing classes in a flexible way to meet individual needs.
Ongoing Classes: These classes meet on a regular basis and seek to develop a permanent class roster and deeper relationships. Some classes use study materials produced by The Presbyterian Church, and others choose books or topics which change periodically throughout the year. All classes strive for elements of study, community and fellowship. All are invited to visit these classes at any time without an obligation to join. Please feel free to try out any class; new members are welcome at any time.
These classes meet Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in person and most via Zoom.
Permanent/Ongoing Classes
These classes meet together regularly throughout the year and have a permanent class roll.
(Please know additions can be made at any time.) Some of these classes use study materials produced by the Presbyterian Church, and some classes choose books or topics, which change periodically throughout the year. All of the classes strive for elements of study, community, and fellowship. All are invited to visit these classes at any time without obligation to join.
All adults are invited to move in and out of the short-term courses and ongoing classes in a flexible way to meet individual needs.
Current Classes
These classes meet Sundays at 9:45 a.m. via Zoom and in person.
For more information, call the church office at (501) 227-0000.
Connections Cafe
Coordinator: Kathryn Hyde
Room 62/63
Connections Café is for any adult in the younger phases of life, whether you have kids or not, to discuss the challenges of life, career, family and current events. Together we discuss, laugh, drink a lot of coffee, and grow as we try to grow beyond our childhood faith and into our fullest selves.
The Bible Study Class
Leader: Graham Catlett
Coordinator: Chris Boggs
Church Library and Zoom
The Bible Study Class is our most traditional Bible study course in our most modern setting, starting each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.! Dig deep into the Word of God through the PC(USA)’s The Present Word Adult Bible Lessons, part of the international Uniform Series for increasing awareness of the content of Scripture and the self-disclosing love of God. This fall’s topic will be “Worship in the Covenant Community.” Lead teacher is Graham Catlett with occasional substitutes; free curriculum mailed to your home or shared via email.
Spiritual Nourishment
Leaders: Nancy Hicks and Janet Carson
Heritage Room and Zoom
The Spiritual Nourishment class takes seriously the idea that deep friendships and slow study bear sweet fruit, as this small but joyful tribe has been together for 20 years! Their evolved process welcomes new friends to explore faith as experienced in daily life; each class begins with joys and concerns and a brief meditation, followed by a free and granular discussion of a selected book. Members who attend in person are encouraged to bring a Zoom-enabled device for use during the class to support equal participation of those who join via Zoom.
Seeking More Light
Leader: Greg Adams
Room 64 and Zoom
The Seeking More Light class is an open, LGBTQ+ affirming, supportive and inquisitive group in search of meaningful ways to further our understanding of the welcome of Christ and how to live a life of inclusion across the lines that divide us especially racial, ethnic, class, educational and political lines. We study books that help us integrate the realities of modern life with the insights and practice of Christianity. This fall we will continue our study of Faith After Doubt: Why Your Beliefs Stopped Working and What to Do About It by Brian McLaren. New members are always welcome– book in hand or not, it’s kindness and curiosity that count!

Short-term Classes
These are courses, which last four to eight weeks.
They are designed to meet the needs of adults who are not part of a permanent class and to address topics on a short-term basis.
These classes meet Sundays at 9:45 a.m. via Zoom and in person.
For more information, call the church office at (501) 227-0000.
More Ways to Get Connected
LifeQuest is an Arkansas nonprofit which offers educational experiences to adults of all ages with a particular focus on the middle and later years of life.
The LifeQuest offices are on the Second Presbyterian campus, and in-person classes are held at the Second Presbyterian site.
The Enneagram
Master teacher Suzanne Stabile describes the Enneagram (from the Greek ennea, for “nine”) as a “powerful, ancient tool for understanding motivation, behavior, and experience.” The system identifies nine different personality types.
For more information about the Enneagram classes at Second Presbyterian, please contact Catherine Lowry.
For Further Reading
The Enneagram Institute has excellent descriptions of how the system works and the nine types.
On-Going Opportunities
for Adult Faith Formation
Men’s Group Ministry
Tuesdays, 7:00–8:00 a.m. in Second Hall and on Zoom
Each Tuesday at 7:00 a.m., men gather in Second Hall and on Zoom for encouragement, support, and Bible study. Free donuts and coffee! Men of all ages are invited to visit or join.
Contact Vic Fleming or Vernon Markham for further details.
Cheeses with Jesus
Second and Fourth Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
We are an adult group for those in between “young adult” and retiree. We welcome newcomers to the church, as well as those who have been long time members. We start our meetings with a time of fellowship and food followed by study. We normally gather off campus at a private home.