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Sunday School Classes for Lent – February 17-March 24

The Gospel of John According to Jim, Part Two                          Leader :  Jim Hester        Room 65-66

Everyone is invited to join for this special Bible study led by one of our very own biblical scholars….Jim Hester.  During Lent members of this class will look at how John reports on the activities and teaching of Jesus in the week before he is crucified.  Often that will mean that we will look back to the first half of the gospel to understand how John shapes his Christology and theology of the cross.  We will also deal briefly with how and why John differs from the Synoptic Gospels in their description of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus.  Finally, we will explore the question of why so many Christians consider John their favorite gospel.

(Just in case you are wondering, Part One of the class was offered as a short-term course last year……and it is definitely not necessary to have attended that class to participate in this class!!!! Everyone is welcome for this Lenten Bible Study.)

A Lenten Journey with the Arts                                                               Room 64

This short-term course will provide an opportunity to take a spiritual journey during Lent through a variety of presentations.  The class will explore art as spirituality, reflect on poetry, sing and explore some favorite Lent/Easter hymns, spend one Sunday “touring” the stained-glass windows in the Sanctuary, and reflect on the face of Jesus as represented by artists through the ages.  Leaders include:  Nancy Hicks, Bevan Keating and members of our Adult Choir, Chuck Chappell, Karen Akin, and Jeannie Ford.