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Two Special Adult Sunday School Courses to begin February 16


How To Stay in a Relationship Without Going Crazy
Howard Turney, MSW. Ph.D (and member of Second Presbyterian Church)
Rebecca Fuller Ward, MSW, LCSW

In this course, based  on Rebecca Ward’s  book How To Stay Married Without Going Crazy, participants will learn to navigate and negotiate the  complex emotional and relational issues in marriage.  The course will provide concrete solutions through topics such as communication, time and money, conflicts, confrontations, and collaboration.  Rebecca Ward has a special interest in marital and family therapy and has specialized in relationship therapy for over thirty-five years.  Rebecca and Howard have a joint practice and teach couples courses at the UAMS Psychiatric Research Institute.  While the book was written and the course designed for married couples, the issues and principles should be applicable to any in committed relationships.  Books will be available for $10.00 in the church office and in the classroom when the course begins.

Peace and Possibilities: Practical Preparation for End of Life
Rev. Steve Hancock and Rev. Karen Akin

Death, a difficult subject to consider, may be even more difficult to discuss with our family and loved ones.  Planning can be a time of personal spiritual growth, as well as a gift of love for those you love.  To assist in preparation, Second Presbyterian Church provides a booklet for church members entitled, Peace and Possibilities: Practical Preparation for End of Life.

Pastors Steve Hancock and Karen Akin will lead a class with the same name as the booklet during Sunday School on February 16 and 23, March 2 and 9.  Karen will begin the conversation by leading a discussion on what Presbyterians believe about death and resurrection, as well as give an overview of the booklet.  Steve will talk from a Pastor’s perspective about the challenges and opportunities in planning a service of Witness to the Resurrection.  Professionals in the fields of estate planning and mortuary services will also share practical information helpful for consideration.

The Pastoral Care and Planned Giving Ministries of our church have produced the booklet, which is available for all church members, whether or not you are able to attend the class.