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Middle School Mission Week is August 4-8

All incoming 6th graders through incoming 9th graders are invited to sign up for Middle School Mission Week, which will be happening on August 4-8.  Our middle school mission week schedule is as follows:

•Monday, August 4 – Tornado Disaster Relief project, afternoon pool party, barbecue for the moms and kids at Women and Children First
•Tuesday – Disaster Assistance Center at Ferncliff, picnic and then making dinner to deliver to the UAMS Family Home
•Wednesday – Rice Depot, working at Presbyterian Village and out to see the Arkansas Travelers’ Game
•Thursday – Head to Memphis to work at Idlewild Presbyterian Church’s food ministry “More Than a Meal”
•Friday – Fun at the Memphis Zoo and return to Little Rock

The cost of Middle School Mission Week is $80.  You can pick up a brochure if you’d like to be a part of this amazing week of mission! If you’d like to help with Middle School Mission Week, we are looking for Senior High and Adult volunteers to help with a number of our projects.  Please contact Heather Rey at 501-517-0951.