Wednesdays Together includes dinner, classes and activities for all ages, and a wonderful opportunity for fellowship. Dinner begins at 5:30, classes/activities are 6:30-7:15.
- Classes for Adults:
God’s World in Selected Poems by Emily Dickinson
Leader: Dr. Chuck Chappell
Although Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) lived and wrote in relative obscurity, her poetry has become globally recognized as some of the most imaginative and profound ever written by an American. Participants in the class will closely read, analyze, and discuss several of her poems that explore these topics: a variety of phenomena of nature; the act of dying and its aftermath; and various states of mind and emotion. Photocopies of the poems will be distributed in class. Join Chuck—our beloved, retired English professor—on this adventure of reflection and discussion as part of your Lenten journey.
Perspectives: Jewish, Muslim, and Christian Dialogue
Leaders: Rev. Susan Sims Smith, Sophia Said, Sara Tariq and Justice Annabelle Imber Tuck
Susan Sims Smith (Episcopal priest), Sophia Said (Muslim), Annabelle Tuck (member of congregation B’Nai Israel), and Sara Tariq (Islamic Center)will lead us in a unique opportunity of interfaith dialogue. Participants will be able to connect with places of similarities in our faiths, reduce fear and misunderstandings, and find acceptance for others despite religious differences. The class outline is as follows:
February 25: Perspectives on Jesus
March4: Perspectives on Women
March 11: Perspectives on Violence
March 18: Perspectives on Prayer and Meditation.
Our four presenters are women active in their faith communities as well as in the Little Rock Community and beyond. The Reverend Susan Sims Smith is the director of the Arkansas Interfaith Center, a priest associate at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock and president of the board of the Arkansas House of Prayer. Sophia Said is a community and economic development consultant specializing working with several community, state and international organizations to empower marginalized citizens. Justice Annabelle Imber Tuck is a former Associate Justice on the Arkansas Supreme Court and presently serves as a Public Service Fellow and
Jurist-in Residence at the UALR Bowen School of Law. Dr. Sara Tariq is an internal medicine physician at UAMS. Participants are asked to purchase for $7 a copy of the booklet, Christianity and Islam. Materials about Judaism will be provided by the leaders.
Making Crosses
Leaders: Mary Ibis and Rachel Shepherd
We will use a variety of media to make unique, beautiful crosses that remind us of God’s glory. The process of creating the crosses is an opportunity to connect with God in active prayer, and two of the finished objects will be keepsakes to put in a special prayer spot, give to loved ones, or use however we feel led. A third cross will be a collective project used in 9:00 worship. If you like Pinterest and Lent, this class is for you; it’s Lenterest! Each cross will have a connection to a practice that is particularly applicable to Lent: offering, fasting, and prayer. Come share your faith, express yourself, and celebrate Christ’s love.
- Classes/Activities for Youth
Many of our youth will be involved in preparation for “Peter Pan” during the first couple of weeks of Wednesdays Together. All youth who are not involved in these rehearsals are welcomed (and encouraged) to participate in one of the adult classes or to help with one of the classes for children. Contact Jeannie Ford ( if you want to help!
- Classes/Activities for Children:
1st-5th Grades: From Ashes to Butterflies– A Journey through Lent
Leaders: Linda LeBron, Jeannie Ford
Children participating in this class will learn about the meaning and practices of Lent through a variety of activities— art, music, story, and more!
3yrs-Kindergarten:Berenstain Bear Film Festival
Preschoolers and Kindergartners will learn about God’s love and living as God’s children through a series of videos based on the adventures of the Berenstain Bears. Learning is fun with the Berenstain Bears!