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2nd Pres


Ringers Wanted!

Interested in learning how to ring handbells? Never rung before but want to try? Haven’t rung in a long time? Great ringer but no time to commit to a regular group? Want to brush up on your music reading skills? Willing to help others learn how to play an instrument that you love? This opportunity is for you! All ringers, middle school through adult are welcome. We will meet on Mondays from 6:00-7:00 p.m., September 14, 21 and 28, October 5 and 12. This is a short-term commitment and a great opportunity to meet new people, have a lot of fun, and learn or relearn the bells. Please contact Mary Ibis if you’re interested in participating, Day Ringers will resume Monday, September 14, at 11 a.m. All ringers are welcome to join this ensemble. If you have questions about this group or are interested in joining, please contact Mary Ibis. Youth Ringers will resume Wednesday, September 16, at 4:15 p.m. Middle/High School are welcome. Transportation issues? Please contact Mary Ibis.