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2nd Pres


Second Wind Gathering, September 20 – for all women!

Lindy Vogado and Karen Akin will lead us in a discussion on prayer based on Anne Lamott’s book Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. in the Great Hall for conversation and fellowship and a special activity related to prayer. We will also share a special meal together. “Second Chefs,” Ben Brainard of Local Lime, Patrick Herron, locally acclaimed chef, and Tom Gordon of Slim Chickens will all be on hand sharing their food for our meal. All three of these young men grew up at Second Presbyterian Church and are wildly successful entrepreneurs in the food industry! Tickets for the event are $15, which will include all activities and the meal. You can also purchase Anne Lamott’s book for $10, but reading is not a pre-requisite for the event. Books and tickets may be purchased in the church office.
