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2nd Pres


Easter Egg Hunt

Hide Eggs, Friday, April 2
Color your paper egg (or not) that you received in the drive-thru, place it back in the sheet protector, and on Friday, April 2 hang your egg outside using the pipe cleaners around the church. If you did not receive one, you may pick one up outside of the church office doors or go to “SPC Family Resources” and print an image of the egg and use your own materials to hang.

Find Eggs, April 3-4

  • Drive to the church (eggs will be out on Saturday and Sunday).
  • Search the entire campus for eggs (the entire hunt can be safely done from your vehicle).
  • Count how many eggs you find.
  • Check in on the church’s Facebook page to share your findings and post pictures of your fun.

All are welcome! For more information, contact Jen Evans.