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2nd Pres


Transitional Report from Jody Welker

I am enjoying the opportunity to serve Second Presbyterian Church. It’s hard to believe we’ve been here for six months. One thing I can say about this church is that it is never boring around here! Another thing I can say is that there are so many wonderful members and leaders who love this church. I love being in a church where members love their church family.

This update is a way to let you know of the many activities and actions that have taken place in my first six months at Second Presbyterian Church. Please note that behind these activities are staff, leaders and members who have stepped up to help their church during the transition. We are blessed.

I’m not sure I’ve covered everything, but this will give you a good sense of what is taking place during this time.

With gratitude,
Jody Welker
Transitional Pastor

TRANSITIONAL ACTIONS: JANUARY-MARCH (as reported at the April session meeting)

  1. Stewardship Campaign: still about $50,000 short of last year’s budget as of this writing.
  2. Nomination and Election of the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) and Members to Serve on the Session and Diaconate
  3. Initiating the work of the PNC in collaboration with Presbytery.
  4. Bringing in a Staff Consultant to work with Personnel and Staff: evaluating staff effectiveness, concerns and possible staffing directions with current and upcoming openings.
  5. Working to streamline Session and Staff agendas. (work in progress!) Goal for the Session is to provide time to focus on matters needing special attention.
  6. Using the 3/3/3s with Session, Diaconate and Staff to identify joys, challenges, and priorities
  7. Support of search for the Youth Director Position
  8. Preparing for a Mission Study


  1. Mission Study Task Force organized and begins their work.
  2. Finance Committee formed and approved by the Session.
  3. Search Committee for Director of Spiritual Formation organized and begins work
  4. Staff transitions of Jeannie’s retirement, Dania Edwards and Ann Owen
  5. Filling roles through interims: Expanding Grant’s position to include Families, reaching out to Marie Mainard O’Connell to serve as Interim Director of Adult Ministry
  6. Search for Director of Youth Ministry continues
  7. Staff strategic planning for Fall and Christmas: Kick off plans for a Ministry Fair with a Welcome Home theme, Christmas planning
  8. Consolidated Children’s Ministry with Ministry to Children and Families
  9. Personnel Committee working to: a) set up the searches for staff; b) set compensation review as a goal; c) discuss ways to support staff and d) begin work on a Sabbatical policy
  10. Had discussions about creating a visitor friendly campus (e.g. signage)
  11. Begin the process of reviewing and “clearing” church membership roles for more accurate reflection of membership.
  12. Began review of 9am worship service in context with other worship services. Discerning whether to continue the 9am service in the fall or to put it on hiatus for further review. If put on hiatus, other options would be explored for Sunday late afternoon or evening.


  1. Work on Communications and Technology positions
  2. Set up Annual Meeting: suggest it include report of Pastor Nominating Committee, election of Nominating Committee, update from the Interim Pastor and other business as needed
  3. Set up Fall Stewardship
  4. Set up Nominating Committee

And… whatever comes next!