Families & Children

Sow Seeds

Hymns and songs, calls and responses, movements and actions in worship; these are the practices that nurture a vibrant faith at an early age.

They give a child language and actions that express what the church is all about.

Through worship we are “sowing seeds of faith” that will provide deep foundational roots as a child grows.

Grow Wise

There is a deep wisdom in the study of scripture.

Instead of teaching as if we know all the answers, as if the scriptures only have one thing to teach us, we encourage children & families to study the Bible with wonder: to be curious and explore the mystery of God.

Luke 2:52 tells us that Jesus had to grow in wisdom as well. We follow his lead into a vibrant and active faith.

Follow Jesus

In Baptism, the church promises to nurture, guide, befriend, and share with the new follower of Jesus.

We are reminded of these promises and celebrate the opportunities to fulfill them as Faith Milestones: steps together in the journey after Jesus. For each milestone, parents and children participate in an educational event and celebration. The church, parents, and child have a role in the journey together. Milestones are a stop along the way to celebrate the journey so far.

Sunday School

9:45 – 10:45 in Bible Village (downstairs of the North entry)

Classes are offered for 3-year-olds through 5th graders to help children creatively wonder about God’s story and explore ways to share God’s love as they grow in faith. 

Children’s Church

During 11am Worship in the Chapel

Children leave the service after the children’s moment and are brought back in at the Doxology.


Milestones of faith mark significant ages and stages of a child’s spiritual journey.

For each milestone, parents and children can participate in an educational event and a family celebration.
Parents will also be provided with written guides for use at home to support the learning that happens at church.

Celebrating Baptism

Following a child’s baptism, the family will receive a special book and gift from the church.

Learning Together

Three Year Olds
Parents and children join together for a special celebration with a presentation of a storybook Bible to each three year old child.

Praying Together

Four Year Olds
Parents and children learn about different ways to pray.

Worshiping Together

Rising First Grade
Parents and children participate together in special activities to learn about what happens in worship services.

Exploring the Sacraments

First & Second Grades
Parents and children learn about the sacraments and children are especially welcomed to the Lord’s Table in worship.

Discovering God’s Word

Third & Fourth Grades
Each 3rd and 4th grader will be presented with a Bible and will participate together in a “Get To Know Your Bible” event.

Practicing Our Faith

Fourth & Fifth Grades
4th and 5th graders will participate in an overnight retreat at Ferncliff, with parents joining in for opening and closing hands-on activities.

Growing in God’s Plan

Sixth & Seventh Grades
6th and 7th graders will participate in a Created by God workshop series around their growing bodies and building healthy relationships.


Eighth Grade
A six-month program in which 8th graders engage with teachers, mentors, families, and peers to prepare to reaffirm their baptismal covenant, make a public profession of personal faith, and commit to live as disciples of Christ and responsible members of the community of faith.

Miriam Project

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!”
Psalm 122:1

We believe that we are called by God to be the body of Christ in our community and that it is our responsibility to create safe and supportive environments for all children, youth, and at-risk adults participating in the activities and programs of Second Presbyterian Church.

Our policies and guidelines for the protection of children, youth, and at-risk adults have been named “The Miriam Project” – in the spirit of Miriam, the sister of Moses, who is remembered for her protection of the baby Moses and her guidance as he grew to become one of God’s great leaders.

“Let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, so that those who love your name may exalt you.” Psalm 5:11

As a church, through the promises we make at each baptism, we have accepted responsibility to provide sage and nurturing environments for children of all ages.

In the policies outlined in the Miriam Project we have taken positive steps to provide as safe an environment as possible for the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of our children, youth, and at-risk adults.

All staff members and volunteers (18 years and older) who wish to minister with our children, youth, and at-risk adults must complete the following requirements on a regular basis:

  • Be a member of Second Presbyterian Church
  • Complete an Information Form and sign a Covenant
  • Agree to a confidential criminal background check
  • Agree to adhere to the conduct required in the Miriam Project